Casa Grande RC Flyers Board And Membership Meeting Minutes |
Minutes for the Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2025
The meeting was called to order by Alan Friedman, President at 11:05 AM
All officers were in attendance.
Alan asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last board meeting of October 15, 2024. The motion to approve was made by Brian Downing and 2nd by Henry Givre. There was unanimous approval. By the full board
Alan asked for a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report which was made by Henri Givre and seconded by Brian Downing. There was unanimous approval by the full board.
President’s Report
The weather station cost went up from $220 to $280 annually for the new LTE service. The weather app still works the same. It was uniramous that we keep the every 5-minute weather update.
Alan has applied for all the grants offered by the AMA, but has not heard back about any approvals yet.
Alan had questions about the removal of the petromat because of complaints about holes underneath. After some discussion, it was decided to leave the petromat be until we repaved the present paved runway and then take up the petromat and pave that area also.
Old Business
For the safety of all, it was agreed the pilot station extensions were needed because of so many new pilots. Alan was given the ok to spend up to $1000 to get eight 4 ft angled extensions added.
Chris Lawson will be offering food for the upcoming airshow. It was suggested to him; he should only buy 12 hot dogs with buns and keep the money to cover his expenses since another big flying event will be going on the same day as our airshow. He will probably come out with a grill around 10 AM to set up for lunch.
Linda Nesbitt, with the Pets in Need Action League, will be at the airfield early with donuts and coffee in the morning.
Walter Carter volunteered to teach new flyers and Henry suggested we get him a buddy box system to use to help with teaching.
As for the date for a general membership annual meeting it was suggested we do a potluck sometime in November when the weather forecast is good. Every one would bring their own plates, silverware, and chairs. Perhaps there would also be two grills for people to use to grill meat on if they so desired.
The date and place for the 2025 fall board meeting would be the Tuesday, before the first swap meet which would be November 4, 2025, probably at the Robson Ranch Grill again, unless members object.
The date for a general membership meeting for 2026 was suggest to be mid-March when it would be warmer.
Alan called for a motion to adjourn since there was no more new business. Woody made the motion and Henry seconded it. The entire board agreed.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes for the Board Meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Alan Friedman, President at 10:01
Officers in attendance: Roland Crawford, Brian Downing, Henry Givre, Woody McFarland, Nancy Friedman, and Alan Friedman. Maurie Sumption was unable to attend due to doctor’s appointment. Member guests in attendance were: Chris Larson and Walter Carter. Copies of the last board meeting minutes and the treasurer’s report were given to the board members.
Alan asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the last board meeting. Brian made a motion which was seconded by Henry to approve the minutes of the last meeting. The minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.
Alan asked for a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Henry made a motion which was seconded by Woody to approve the treasurer’s report. Brian asked how come we had so much money. Alan informed the board we had just received a $1000 grant from the AMA’s disaster and relief fund to replace items in our shed which was overturned by a microburst this summer. The treasurer’s report was then approved by a unanimous vote.
President’s Report
Alan reported on the need for new board members as well as new flight instructors. Our current vice president and lead flight instructor, Maurie Sumption, will be moving after the first of the year to be closer to family and friends.
Old Business:
Brian was to look into the cost of replacing the tabletops with a new composite material from Lowe’s. He will get back to the board with the cost before any replacement is authorized by the board. In the meantime, Roland screwed some of the table tops back down.
At the last meeting Maurie Sumption was voted in to replace Ron St. Pierre as VP, however now Maurie will be leaving after the first of the year, which means we will need to replace him with one of the present board members and the club will also need 1or 2 new flight instructors. Maurie always has had his own plane and extra controller for teaching. Brian said he would contact Maurie to see if he would donate his teaching items.
After 10 years Alan and Nancy also wish to retire from the board and be replaced. Alan requested names of possible replacements. Jim Hernadez and Terry Imig names were suggested however Jim is not currently a member.
The date for the spring board meeting was set for Tuesday, March 4, 2025, most likely at the airfield at 10 AM. Suggestions for holding a General Membership meeting were: Central Library, Val Vista Library, Community Center, or Vantage Western Credit Union. A free room was preferred. Woody is responsible for this task.
New Business:
A person to take over the glider and combat contests was also needed starting in November on Thursdays at 10 AM. Brian volunteered since Jerry Moore had not yet responded to Alan’s request.
Henry wanted side fencing on the pilot stations similar to what we had previous with PVC pipe. It was not done previously due to the cost. Walter Carter said he will look into putting in the chain link sides to the pilot stations.
So far, no food trucks have volunteered to be at any of our second Saturday events. We will still plan to have the Pets In Need Action League there serving coffee and donuts, with their tip jar for suggested donations. Chris Larson said he could bring grills and do hot dogs and burgers with a tip jar for suggested donations too since he currently does not have a city food vendor license.
Brian suggested we ask Walter Carter to be on the board to replace Maurie since he is a year-round resident and already volunteering to work on the chain link fence pilot stations. A motion was made by Brian and seconded by Woody, then approved by a unanimous vote.
Alan once again reminded everyone that flyers would be need for the Annual March Airshow as well as, other jobs.
With no other new business, the meeting was adjourned by Alan at 10:25 AM.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes for Friday March 6, 2024 Board Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Alan Friedman, President, at 11:01AM
Those in attendance were: Woody McFarland, Ronald Crawford, Nancy Friedman, Alan Friedman, Maurie Sumption, and Brian Downing.
A motion by Maurie was made to accept the minutes from the last meeting as read and was seconded by Woody. It was approved by a unanimous vote.
The Treasurer’s Report for the first quarter was presented by Nancy Friedman. A motion by Brian was made to accept the report with it being seconded by Roland. It was approved by a unanimous vote.
Alan reported that our membership numbers are down slightly from last year which is reflected in the numbers of residents at Palm Creek, Sun Dance, and various other snowbird parks which are also down.
Old Business:
A motion was made by Woody and seconded by Maurie to approve of Alan making any necessary summer maintenance decisions. This was approved by a unanimous vote.
It was suggested by Brian we replace the tabletops with a new composite material from Lowe’s. It will be Brian’s responsibility to look into this.
New Business:
Due to the passing of Ron St. Pierre, the position of Vice President is vacant which Maurie Sumption volunteered to fill. He was voted into this position unanimously.
Date for the fall 2024 board meeting was set for October 15th at 11 AM.
Maurie made a motion that all future board meeting luncheons will be paid by each individual board member not by the club. Nancy seconded this motion and it was passed unanimously.
Date for the annual general meeting of 2024 and suggested place will be the responsibility of Woody.
Date for spring 2025 board meeting is set for Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 11 AM
Help and flyers are need at our airshow this Saturday. All board members in attendance promised to help at the show with Roland opening the gate at 8 AM. Brian has taken over the position of safety officer.
With no other new business, the meeting was adjourned by Alan at 11:26 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer
RC Flyers Board Meeting, October 30, 2023
The meeting was called to order by President, Alan Friedman, at 10:02 AM.
In attendance were Roland Crawford, Woody McFarland, Henry Givre, Brian Downing, Alan Friedman, and Nancy Friedman
Approval of minutes from the last board meeting on March 6, 2023 was recommended by Henry and seconded by Brian. The board approval was unanimous.
Approval of the Treasurer’s report year to date 10/25/2023 was recommended by Henry and seconded by Brian. The board approval was unanimous.
President’s Report
Alan stated the car track was in disrepair despite the weeds being killed, but they were still standing and asked if anyone had a weed whacker.
Henry recommended the track just be removed and leveled if possible. Five members, plus Ron’s proxy vote given to Nancy, voted to remove the track. Alan abstained, but because of the vote, will be removing reference to the track from the website. The two tables designated as track tables will be moved to the swap meet area. It was also recommended the large spikes used to hold down the track bumpers be saved.
A large trash barrel will be placed in our parking lot next week and request the members to help clean up the area. We thank the city for the barrel.
Old Business
- AMA Grants and Awards
Alan has applied for every grant or award possible for our club.
- So far, we have received $175 for our advertising of the AMA and our club in the newspaper and on TV.
- Our club has also received $640 for the Take Off and Grow Grant.
- Finally, when a new AMA member joins on our club website, the club receives $25 each for which we have acquired an extra $125.
- Our club was one of the first clubs to be designated as a “FRIA.”
- Resurfacing of Tables
This was done this past week for $400, but may need to be done yearly.
- A request by Alan to choose a number between one and 25 for the drawing on November 1st for anyone who joined or renewed by October 31st. The prize will be a Texas Roadhouse Gift Pack. If #25 doesn’t answer the call on November 1st or want the gift pack, the second number will be #16.
New Business
- Officer’s Positions
- Track Director is no longer needed.
- Safety Director and Medical Director will be Henry Givre.
- Training Director: Maurie Sumption will continue at this time, until he decides if he needs to turn the job over to someone else.
- Event Director: Open.
- Corporation officers of President, Vice President, Secretary, & Treasurer remain unchanged.
- Our Proposed 2023 -2024 Major Event Schedule
- November 11, 2023: National Model Aviation Day & Swap Meet, 9 AM – 1:00, Benefiting the Hospice Charitable Fund of Central Arizona.
- December 9, 2023: P.I.N.A.L Fly-In and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Benefiting the Pets In Need Action League
- January 13, 2024: Food Bank Fly-In and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Benefiting St Vincent de Paul Food Bank
- February 10, 2024: Fly-In for Pets and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Benefiting the Valley Humane Society.
- March 9, 2024: 10th Annual Air Show and Swap Meet, will benefit the Boys & Girls Club of the Sun Corridor.
- Meeting dates for next year:
Board Meeting: Henry proposed and Woody seconded, that a board luncheon to be at a restaurant and be paid for by the club. The vote was four for the motion and 3 against the motion to include Alan, Nancy, and Ron’s proxy vote. Date and Time: March 5, 2024 at 11 AM. A restaurant will be located by the Friedman’s
General Meeting: To be held sometime in February of 2024, in the evening, at a restaurant which has an area for meetings. Recommendations were IHOP or Cracker Barrel. Exact date to depend on available restaurant. It was also suggested we raffle a prize to entice more members to come. All board members were tasked with finding a suitable restaurant.
Adjournment was at 10:31 AM
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes of the March 6, 2023 Casa Grande RC Flyers’ Board Meeting
The meeting was called to order by the President, Alan Friedman, at 11 AM at the CG RC Flyer’s airfield with Maurie Sumption, Woody McFarland, Henry Givre, Alan Friedman, and Nancy Friedman in attendance. Ron St. Pierre was unable to attend with his proxy given to Nancy Friedman. Jim Hernandez resigned from the board in September of 2022 because of his employment demands.
Minutes of the last meeting and the Treasurer’s report of January 1, 2023 through March 6, 2023 were unanimously approved
All board members approved the vote to keep the same officers, but to search out a replacement for Jim Hernandez.
All events for the coming season of 2023 and 2024 were also unanimously approved.
Jobs for the upcoming March 11th airshow were discussed.
- Maurie will do his usual flight training.
- Nancy and Woody will promote and collect money for the raffle which will be for RC items and non-RC items.
- Alan will collect money for swap table fees, those who wish to fly but are not members of our club, and those who wish to become members.
It was also noted for those who want to join the AMA, the new application can be found on line. Also, every AMA member should have their membership card when wishing to fly and all CG RC Flyers members must wear their membership badge when at the field.
A report from Henry Givre who attended the Casa Grande Airport Fly-In stated Brian Downing was quite the salesperson for our club.
When asked if there was any more business, it was suggested by Henry and Maurie the club get two new poles for our runway airsocks and place the poles 10 feet further back to the east than they are now. If no members can be found to do this task, Alan will hire someone to do this, as well as, replacing and painting pilot tables that are in disrepair. All board members agreed to this expense.
A request by Maurie and Henry was to ask the city to grade level the desert area at both ends of the runway and the desert area on the west side of the petromat runway.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:18 AM with a motion by Henri Givre which was seconded by Woody McFarland.
Respectively submitted by Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer
Casa Grande RC Flyers Board Meeting of March 12, 2022
Call the Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:58 AM with all board members in attendance except Ron St. Pierre.
The minutes of the last meeting on 11/11/21 and the Treasurer’s Report for 1/1/22 through 3/1/22 were both approved by a unanimous vote.
President’s Report
Alan was concerned the port-a-potty was not always being serviced in a timely fashion, but auto debited from our account routinely. No one but Alan would consider taking out the port-a-potty. Other board members were concerned about the hand sanitizer not working. Jim Hernandez volunteered to call the company once a month to remind them to clean it routinely and fix the hand sanitizer. If the port-a-potty is not routinely cleaned after his calls, he will then scout out other companies for toilet facilities. In the meantime, if the toilet is not cleaned for the next event on March 12th, Maurie will clean the port-a-potty as much as possible, not including the tank.
Alan will call Scott’s Pest Control who sprays our grounds for weeds to ask him to spray the east end of the field around the pilot stations and by the car track today.
Old Business
All board members wished to retain their board positions when asked.
Corporation officers of President, Vice President, Secretary, & Treasurer remain unchanged.
Officer’s positions and reports:
Track Director: Jim Hernandez
Nothing new. He doesn’t want to promote the car track to the public because of the cost and dust. He wants to feel out the members for next year about Friday night drag racing on the paved runway and perhaps a crawler track.
Safety Director: Ron St. Pierre
Although Ron was not here, Maurie stated he tries to watch and remind flyers to keep planes from flying east of the pilot stations.
Training Director: Maurie Sumption
Maurie has a list of some 27 students at this time who are doing well and he does refer them to the direct AMA link on our website, but many times they just go directly to the AMA site.
Medical Director: Henry Givre
All agreed the letter Henry sent out to the membership via email and placed on our Facebook page was excellent. He did say things are getting better at the hospital as far as COVID admissions, but still wants everyone to know the vaccine and booster still prevents hospitalization even if one contracts the virus.
Event Director: Woody McFarland
Since we are at the end of this season, he will make a list of possible events for next year and then check with the membership as to what they would like to see as events for the 2022-2023 season.
New Business
Alan presented the proposed 2022-2023 Winter Event Schedule and noted he rotated the charities and requested coverage of the November and December events due to the absence of himself and Nancy:
November 12, 2022: National Model Aviation Day Celebration & Swap Meet, 9 AM – 1:00 Benefitting Hospice Charitable Fund of Central Arizona.
December 10, 2022: Food Bank Fly-In and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Benefiting the Casa Grande Food Bank.
January 14, 2023: Fly-In for Pets and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Benefiting the Valley Humane Society
February 11, 2023: P.I.N.A.L Fly-In and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Benefiting the Pets in Need Action League.
March 11, 2023: 9th Annual Air Show and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of the Sun Corridor.
Swap meets will still take place at all of our major events on the second Saturday of the month. RC vendors are always welcome to attend these events. The public and other AMA Club members are welcome also. AMA members can pay a landing fee to fly. All members of our club can use the swap meet tables, while others must pay a fee to display at the swap meet. Combat dogfights and glider contests will still take place on Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM over the winter season and Nitro-Friday's are the first and third Friday of November through March. We hope to have the PINAL (Pets In Need Action League) continue to provide coffee and donuts at our events and have at least one food truck vendor available also. Woody said he would contact Creative Café about their daughter’s food truck as a possible vendor for next season.
Two charities have already confirmed their availability for suggested dates.
The board members said they could cover the November and December events of this year in Alan’s and Nancy’s absence with Maurie doing the opening and closing as he has been doing this year.
Meeting dates for next year winter season.
It was decided Tuesday, September 27th at 11 AM at the car track tables would be a good date for the next board meeting to firm up planning for the first event in October.
Tuesday, March 7th at 11 AM at the car track tables was decided for the second board meeting which would be before the last major event of the 2022-2023 season.
A general meeting of the membership would be considered in January at the field unless another suitable venue could be found as our previous dining venue of the Golden Corral has closed.
Nancy moved the meeting adjourn at 11:25 AM with Woody making the second motion. All board members were in agreement.
Minutes for the Casa Grande RC Flyers Board Meeting on November 11, 2021
The meeting was called to order by the club President, Alan Friedman, at 11:31 AM with all seven Board Members were in attendance.
Minutes of the last meeting on March 16, 2021 were approved unanimously.
The Treasurer’s Report was discussed and approved unanimously.
Included in the President’s Report were:
- Welcoming and introducing Jim Hernandez our new board member replacing Rick Downing. Jim will be the club’s race track director.
- Resurfacing of Tables for only $600 by Vanegas Painting.
- New Cross-Wind Runway completed by the Arizona City Methodist minister ,who was a friend of Rick Downing.
- Casa Grande’s work on parking lot, erosion at ends of runway and port-a-potty
- Trash picked by Brian Downing and Darryl Mc Daniel who were thanked publicly on our Facebook page.
- The following Winter Event Schedule was reaffirmed:
2021 - 2022 Winter Event Schedule
- The following events were approved unanimously for next 2021-2022 year:
- November 13, 2021: National Model Aviation Day Celebration & Swap Meet, 9 AM – Noon, benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of the Sun Corridor.
- December 11, 2021: Food Bank Fly-In and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – Noon benefiting the Casa Grande Food Bank.
- January 8, 2022: P.I.N.A.L Fly-In and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – Noon benefiting the Pets in Need Action League.
- February 12, 2022: Fly-In for Pets and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – Noon benefiting the Valley Humane Society.
- March 12, 2022: 8th Annual Air Show and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – Noon benefiting the Hospice Charitable Fund of Central Arizona.
Swap meets will still take place at all of our major events and RC vendors attend specific events. Presently, Superstition Hobby will be at National Aviation Day coming up on November 13th, which is this coming Saturday and at our annual air show in March. We will also have the Pet in Need Action League selling donuts and coffee plus Pixie Dogs serving lunch items this coming Saturday. Alan asked the board to come early to help Nancy price and put out the all the swap meet items on Saturday. Board members will be assigned duties as needed and asked to bring clipboards if they have one. The public and other AMA Club members are always welcome. All our events are free to attend. Combat dogfights and glider contests will continue to take place on Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM over the winter season. Nitro Fridays are the first and third Friday of November through March if there continues to be an interest.
Alan also announced the gift of two rounds of golf with a cart at Robson Ranch Golf course and a dinner for two gift certificates from the new Texas Roadhouse restaurant also will be used for a raffle. A Sig Manufacturing Company Gift Certificate will also be raffled.
Old Business
None mentioned
New Business
The General Meeting was scheduled for March, but the board decided to set the date and place when the time draws nearer due to COVID restrictions and availability of restaurants with meeting rooms.
Questions were asked about the involvement of a youth group with the car track. It was pointed out that youth under the age of 19 can get a free AMA membership, but there is a small charge of $15 annually for the AMA’s insurance which is required to fly or race cars at our field. Insurance is required due to the lease requirements by the city of Casa Grande.
It was also noted that youth can get a ½ price membership or a free membership to our club for a few hours work.
Since the city cannot provide us with free trash pick-up, we can still walk across the street to the shooting range and dump our garbage there. The board decided not to pay the $28.00/month charge for weekly trash pick-up on the field grounds.
Request for Adjournment was made by Ron and seconded by Nancy. The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 AM
Respectively submitted by,
Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer
Casa Grande RC Flyers
Minutes of the Casa Grande RC Flyers Board Meeting on March 16, 2021
Call the Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order at 11:06 AM with everyone in attendance except Maurie Sumption.
Minutes of last meeting on 11.6.2020 and the Treasurer’s Report
These were unanimously approved.
President’s Report
The money for Club Recognition Award has already been received. Both the Field Improvement and Take Off and Grow Grants have been sent to the AMA for approval. We will not find out until May if and what we will receive.
Old Business
- 1. Resurfacing of Tables
The Board unanimously agreed to hire someone to fix/repaint all tables.
New Business
- 1. New Officer’s positions
The following positions were unanimously vote to stay the same again for this coming year:
Track Director: Rick Downing
Safety Director: Ron St. Pierre
Training Director: Maurie Sumption
Medical Director: Henry Givre
Event Director: Woody McFarland
Corporation officers of President, Alan Friedman
Vice President, Ron St.Pierre
Secretary & Treasurer, Nancy Friedman
- 2. Proposed 2021 - 2022 Winter Event Schedule
The following events were approved unanimously for next 2021-2022 year.
November 13, 2021: National Model Aviation Day Celebration & Swap Meet, 9 AM – 1:00 Benefit for Boys & Girls Club of the Sun Corridor.
December 11, 2021: Food Bank Fly-In and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Benefiting the Casa Grande Food Bank.
January 8, 2022: P.I.N.A.L Fly-In and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Benefiting the Pets in Need Action League.
February 12, 2022: Fly-In For Pets and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Benefiting the Valley Humane Society.
March 12, 2022: 8th Annual Air Show and Swap Meet, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Benefiting the Hospice Charitable Fund of Central Arizona.
Swap meets take place at all of our major events and RC vendors attend specific events. The public and other AMA Club members are usually welcome. There may be a charge for onsite parking. Combat dogfights and glider contests take place on Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM over the winter season and Nitro Friday's are the first and third Friday of November through March.
- 3. Board Meeting dates for next year.
Daytime meeting any day during the week approved for choice of meeting dates either at the field or possibly at a lunch. (Tentatively set by the President as Tuesday, November 9, 2020 and Thursday, March 10, 2021)
- 4. Covid-19 restrictions-proposed changes subject to city approval
- Two proposals were made to the Board. The first was club members can bring in guest(s) with social distancing and masks. This was unanimously approved.
- The airfield gate will be open to the public with masks and social distancing required. The first member at the field is required to open the gate and the last member will be responsible for closing the gate. This proposal will be sent to the appropriate city authorities for approval. The vote was approved by 5 of the 6 attending Board members. Dr. Givre will be responsible for the signage at the gate concerning the requirement of masks and social distancing. Nancy will be responsible for writing up the mitigation proposal to the appropriate city officials.
- 5. Proposed new dirt runway
- A request from the city to scrape off bushes on this proposed runway and/or request the city to grade this new runway was voted upon and approved by the full board.
6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:37 AM
Minutes of the Casa Grande RC Flyers’ Board Meeting of 11/6/20
The meeting was brought to order by Alan Friedman, President, at 11:05 AM. In attendance at the airfield were Henry Givre, Woody McFarland, Ron St. Pierre, and Nancy Friedman.
Alan announced the replacement of Win Koch with Rick Downing who unfortunately could not be at the meeting due to a sickness in the family. Alan commended Win on his service and hard work on behalf of the club.
Maurie Sumption was unavailable due to surgery.
Both the Minutes and Treasurer’s Reports were approved and seconded.
President’s Report
The annual summer meeting with the Mayor was canceled due to the Covid virus.
Although all permits for events were sent to the city, no events were approved for public attendance due to the Covid virus. The city will allow our club events with AMA members only in attendance providing masks and social distancing be observed. All charities the club has previously sponsored have been notified they cannot come to the field to collect donations as in previous years.
Swap meet tables will be free this year, but a parking fee of $10 per carload of people who are AMA members will be allowed into the field by showing their AMA membership. All of our club members will park for free. Alan hopes the parking fee will help with any deficit we may encounter this year. If there is extra money from the parking fee, he will request a board vote to divide the extra money to our supported charities.
Only one Canadian has rejoined at the time of the meeting and Alan feels not many more will be forthcoming. At this time only 28 members have renewed or joined for 2021. Unfortunately, the AMA is behind in their processing of their mail in membership applications which affects our ability to easily check AMA numbers and expiration dates when people apply for membership to our club.
National Aviation Day is coming up on the 14th of November at which time Alan will present two checks, one each, to Pets in Action League and the Valley Humane Society which he was able to secure through grants from the Diane Warren Foundation. He also has a surprise from the AMA award to present.
Old Business
The General dinner meeting at Golden Coral was canceled due to the Covid virus. The next board meeting is scheduled to be at the airfield on Tuesday, March 16th,at 11 AM.
New Business
With Maurie unable to teach free flying lessons for a month, Ron has agreed to teach while Maurie is recovering. We can give out his telephone number.
Alan reapplied for the Field Improvement Grant with the AMA since the runway work was done within the last 12 months. Hopefully, this will give us the cushion needed to repair and resurface our flight tables.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM.
Minutes For March 6, 2020 Board Meeting Lunch.
Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 11:35 AM. In attendance were Alan Friedman, Nancy Friedman, Win Koch, Henry Givre, and Woody McFarland
Read and approve last meeting minutes
The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report read by Nancy Friedman and was approved
Old Business:
President’s report:
Car track work done by Rick Downing and Jim Hernandez. Also two new members are also using the car track, John and Annmarie
Replaced weather station due to the old one not functioning. Alan has fixed the old weather station, but not the rain gauge. It was determined not to send the unit back just to fix the rain gauge since it seldom rains here.
Table Painting was done, but only with one coat and will need another it appears.
New Business
One March 19th the airstrip will have 2 layers of slurry seal applied and rolled. Since we waited to have the work done when the equipment was available, the price was discounted. Ron had checked other sites where this company had done the same type of treatment and felt it worth the money. They claim it will be smooth and last 3-5 years. We will try to save $1000/yr. for retreatment.
While talking about the runway, Woody and Win stated they would like to use our leftover petromat to make taxiways from the airstrip to the pilot stations. It was determined we had the large spikes and it was fine to do.
Win picked up 2 trash bags weighing 40lbs the previous week. Nancy stated she reminded Rick Downing, about the membership deal for kids under 19 if they would come out and help clean up the field.
The change in the starting time for events from 8 AM to 9 AM was approved. A discussion about changing the February date due to any conflict with the Superstition Air Show was brought up by Nancy. The board voted in majority not to change from the second Saturday of the month for this event.
November 14th will be National Aviation Day with the Boys and Girls Club as the Charity
December 12th will be a Food Bank Fly-In with the CG Food Bank as the Charity
January 9th will be a P.I.N.A.L Fly-In with the Pets In Need Action League as the Charity
February 13th will be a Fly-In For Pets with the Valley Humane Society as the Charity
March 13th The Annual Air Show with Hospice Charitable Fund of Central AZ as the Charity
Alan brought forth a suggestion of increasing the new membership dues to $75 for 15 months from September through December of the following year. After discussion, it was felt the increase to $75 would be more of a deterrent to membership. A majority voted not to increase the new membership dues. New member dues remain at $60.00 and renewal will also be unchanged at $50.00.
November 6th, 2020 was selected for the fall board meeting to be held at the Robson Ranch Grill at 11 AM
The target date will be the first week in February with the date to be determined by when the room at the Golden Corral is available.
It was decided to choose this date at the fall 2020 board meeting on November 6th.
Win and Woody will do this job on 3/11/2020 before the Air Show
Win will be checking in nonmembers who wish to fly or drive with Woody’s help
Nancy suggested our two new local board members, Henry and Maurie, attend with Alan the summer visit to the mayor. Alan thought that to be a good idea.
Win suggested a flyer be made to promote the club and it be taken to all the RV parks. Henry suggested we take it to the college also. Win will make the flyer.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30.
Submitted by Nancy Friedman, Secretary
Minutes for the General Meeting of the Casa Grande RC Flyers Feb. 4, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 6PM with 19 members and guests in attendance.
The Minutes of last General Meeting held Dec.4, 2018 were approved
The Treasurer’s Report was presented with Nancy noting two annual fees having already been paid for the year, but to expect another ~$550 for the port-a-potty. The large donation of RC airplanes, an RC car, and supplies by the widow of a recently deceased member made up the bulk of the income for the January.
President’s Report
Rodney Hexter stepped down from his position
Change in Board from 5 to 7 members
New directors included Maurie Sumption, Woody McFarland, and Henry Givre
Revised car track. Thanks to Rick Downing and Jim Hernandez
City’s installation of directional road signs to the CG RC Flyers airfield
Vice President’s Report
Ron suggested Alan send out to all members the proposed FAA rules and requested and what the AMA’s thoughts are on these rules, and then each member make their comments known in writing to the FAA by March 2, 2020. If we want to keep our FRIA airspace, our club would have to apply within 120 days of the law going into effect. without remote identification. A key concern is that the UAS must not be further than 400 feet radius from the controller. (Not just fly below 400 ft.)
Those who fly at other locations not at a FAA-recognized identification areas need to understand the proposed identification requirements.
The FAA is proposing to accept applications for FAA-recognized identification areas within 12 calendar months of the effective date of a final rule. At the end of that 12-month period, no new applications for FAA-recognized identification areas would be accepted. After that date, the number of FAA-recognized identification areas could therefore only remain the same or decrease. Over time, the FAA anticipates that most UAS without remote identification will reach the end of their useful lives or be phased out. As these numbers dwindle, and as compliance with remote identification requirements becomes cheaper and easier, the number of UAS that need to operate only at FAA-recognized identification areas would likely drop significantly.
Safety Officer’s report and comments
We have had some recent near misses at the airfield. Win suggests a spotter be used to give an alert to avoid injuries. Also when one sees a real airplane flying low over our field it needs to be reported to the Prescott air service. The phone number is posted on the board by the port-a-potty. There are two big “Xs” at the end of our runway to make planes aware it is not a runway for their use. During the second Saturday events there are a first aid kit and fire extinguisher available. However, when you are by yourself, it is advisable you have a small first aid kit available in case you are injured and the sea container is not open.
Old Business
Actions completed on items discussed at last General Meeting
All swap meet table tops plus one car track table top were replaced and paint, but free paint was not up to par and will need to be repainted with Rustoleum product
More pavers and secrete were placed around the port-a-potty by Woody and Rodney as it was being undermined by water runoff during rain storms
The supports of the sunshades were cleaned and painted
Henry Givre donated a propane tank so we would always have an extra
A large garden cart with big wheels was purchased for the mobility of the generator along with a power strip to put on a table for charging.
Ron St. Pierre, with the aid of Jerry Moore, has been running Combat and Glider Thursdays.
Woody has volunteered to do fun flies again if the membership would still want these. Woody would appreciate any suggestions. No members shown interest at the meeting.
A literature box was purchased and placed by the gate by Win. It was decided to be placed by the gate where the person opening the gate could sign in and the person signing out can mention how many people were at the field plus note any items which may need repair or other issues of concern. This is also of benefit when Alan talks with the mayor of Casa Grande each summer.
New Business
Locking the Port-a-Potty. Do not leave it unlocked or leave the lock set at the numbers to open it. People have been coming over from the shooting range. Stan saw a person pick the lock. If this continues, the lock code will be changed and an email will be sent out.
A work crew to paint table tops, headed by Ron St. Pierre, will meet on Feb. 13th after combat flying to paint the tabletops.
Helpers for March Air Show. We will need flyers to help put on the air show this year. Please volunteer.
Days/times for RC auto racing were tabled until there are more interested members.
Runway repaving will be discussed by the board if our AMA grant is approved and the board is satisfied with the end results of the samples seen.
Changing the time for December and January Swap Meets from 8 AM to 9 AM was approved.
Lease renewal coming up next year. It will more than likely be approved, but let us all follow the safety rules so there will be no dissension or reason for denial of our lease.
Still have a few items to sell from Angela’s donation which will be at the Swap Meet on Saturday, Feb.8th.
The Davis Instruments Weather Station is not functioning properly. The board decided to purchase another unit to replace the nonfunctioning unit since a high ranger is always needed for anything need to be done to the unit. The new unit will have a year’s warranty. The old unit will be sent in to assess its nonfunctioning. A decision will be made as to refurbishing it or buying parts.
A request was made by Jerry Moore to be flexible on the February date of the swap meet to avoid conflict with the Arizona Electric Festival which our members would like to attend.
Harry Givre asked if windsocks could be placed at the both ends of the runway on the pilot side of the airstrip so one doesn’t lose sight of their plane was checking the windsock when landing. Alan will purchase the stakes and asked Ron and Henry to follow up with the placement.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:55 PM
Minutes of the Board Meeting for November 22, 2019
Meeting called to order by President Alan Friedman. Those Board members in attendance were Ron St. Pierre, Vice President; Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer; and Win Koch. Also attending were Maurie Sumption and Woody McFarland.
A motion to accept the minutes of last meeting and the treasurer’s report sent by email was made by Win and seconded by Ron with unanimous approval.
President’s Report:
Meeting with Mayor and other city officials
The city officials seemed happy with what we do and feel renewal of our lease will be simple. When Alan requested signs be made to both our airfield and the shooting range, two signs were installed in approximately 2 weeks. One placed on Trekell Road and one on Arica Road.
Because of problems with food vendors who must be licensed with the county and the city, the mayor and other city officials stated if the food is purchased or donated by a licensed source could be sold at our airfield since it would not be made onsite.
New Pilot Only signs and fixing of pilot stations were done this summer by Alan & Nancy.
Variety of Food Services for this season
Salsa Bites for November, January, and March.
Neighborz Gourmet Hot Dogs for February
Pets in Need Action League will be selling coffee and donuts obtained from a licensed vendor for both December and February.
Prior to Old Business, a motion was made to accept Rodney Hexter’s resignation and to increase the size of the board from five members to seven members by Win and seconded by Ron. The vote was unanimous.
Nominations to the Board were Maurie Sumption, Henry Givre, and Woody McFarland were made by Win with a second by Ron. The vote was unanimous.
With an increase in the size of the board, the meeting was continued.
Old business
Review and discuss use of sign in book
An explanation was given to the new board members as to the usefulness of the sign in book. Since it was in place, the board decided to continue to use it.
Contest Director—Woody stated he would take the position.
He was told to apply on the AMA website and Ron and Maurie would be good sources for suggestions.
Nancy reported she, Alan, and Ron attended the Villago Science Night, but Ron was unable to fly in their small gym and the DVD did not work properly. We decided it was a waste of time since very few people came to where we were located.
New business
Safety Officer Appointment
Since Win would only be a member of MAAC this next year, not the AMA, he could no longer be designated as the Safety Officer with the AMA. Maurie volunteered to take on this job with Win’s help.
Replacing or fixing the rain gauge of weather station.
It was decided to fix the rain gauge when the next battery needed to be replaced by city’s the high ranger, since the club was more worried about the wind not the rain.
Members, Jim Hernandez and Rick Downing, volunteered to expand the car track and add jumps to the center, to attract a younger set of members such as Rick’s church youth group. They were hoping to get them into flying also. Free membership in the AMA is required to provide insurance and a free membership to our club in exchange for 2 hours of work were discussed. All board members were in agreement and hoped this plan would bring in new young members.
Revisit port-a-pottie stabilization and funnel water around it somehow
Woody said he would take on this job. Rodney had previously recommended the use of Sackrete and Woody added gravel and sackrete should do the job.
Discussion of Runway Quotes and AMA Grants
Alan presented 4 quotes for a topcoat of a slurry seal. He also stated he had applied to the AMA for a grant also. . Woody expressed a need to make the runway smooth as it tears up Styrofoam planes easily. Win and Ron had concerns about the product holding up as the contractors were road contractors, not runway contractor for RC planes. Ron stated he had heard from another RC group, their runway had only held up for 3 years verses the 5-7 years stated by contractors. Ron will do some further investigation and see if we could get a sample square placed on our field for a test or view another job.
Resurface tables not done with Rustoleum, as the free stain didn’t do much. Redo legs of tables again with polyurethane or something better? It was decided to table this until all members of the board could view the tables.
Events and Charities:
November 9, 2019, National Aviation Day. Charity: Valley Humane Society.
December 14, 2019 Fly In & Swap Meet. Charity: Pets in Need Action League.
January 11, 2020, Fly-In for Hospice Charitable Fund of Central Arizona.
February 8, 2020, Swap Meet. Charity: Boys and Girls Club
March 14, 2020, March Air Show. Charity: Casa Grande Food Bank.
Help will be needed for the following jobs at these events (especially for 12/14/19)
Take in money for swap tables
Sign in nonmember flyers and collect landing fees
Person to time combat (if doing on a Saturday)
Parking director for food vendor (other vendors), swap meet participants, and charity personnel
Check toilet for cleanliness, dust, plus responsible for unlocking and locking for event
Putting up all flags: American, AMA, & MAAC only
Wipe down bleachers
Blowing off runways before events
Putting up charging tables
One to two people responsible for photography
Pick up trash and tumbleweeds
Someone responsible for locking up after event or making sure only members are left who know to lock up.
Ron, Maurie, and Woody volunteered to share the above duties for the December 14th date.
Date of General Meeting
The meeting will be held at the Golden Corral on Tuesday, February 4th at 5 PM.
Date of next Board Meeting before the March Air Show is set for Friday, March 6th, at 11:30 AM at the RR Grill.
Fund raising event during the winter season of 2021 for the AMA was discussed. Even if the AMA brought their trailer with flight simulators, the board thought there would not be enough money to be made at this function to be feasible for the AMA.
Use of our field for STEM Rocketry by CG Union High School by Steve Hardesty. The board saw only potential problems such as overflying our boundaries and a fire hazard for this to be a partnership despite the fact we would love to have young members. Win pointed out there was a Rocket Field by the Saguaro National Park and to let the school know.
A request for a donation for the Western Carolina Radio Club in Greer, SC was turned down as we have our own needs to think of first.
Woody asked about using the extra petro mat to make taxi ways from table to airfield. It was turned down due too much foot traffic in the area.
Maurie asked to have everyone’s phone number and email addresses. It was then noted the website had such information, but no one could remember how to get onto the website. Alan and Nancy will look for the sign in and password information and update the website so access can be made by all board members.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 PM.
Minutes of Board Meeting on February 26, 2019
The board meeting of the Casa Grande RC Flyers was called to order at 11:10 AM by Alan Friedman, President, with the following board members in attendance: Ron St. Pierre, Vice President; Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer; Rodney Hexter and Win Koch, Members at Large.
President’s Report
With donations from Lowes and Home Deport, the board was able to replace and paint 10 tabletops. Thanks to Rodney, pavers were place around the toilet to provide a nice looking barrier to the water runoff from the airstrip and he also cleaned the support posts from 2 to 7 ft above the ground.
Alan thought the exposed legs of the pilot tables needed to have the spar varnish reapplied, plus apply the one gallon of color matched deck and concrete restorer to the tops of the pilots’ tables.
Since the striping machine was borrowed from Palm Creek, Alan will buy a striper for striping the airstrip and helicopter pad.
Minutes of last meeting sent by email were approved
Treasurer’s report also sent by email was approved with a comment on the budget numbers which had not been transferred to the budget yet.
Old business
Review and discuss use of sign in log
The waterproof box with sign in log has given us more information about the use of the field as far as number of people flying and time of day the field is being used. Alan will use the information from the log when meeting with the mayor this summer.
Fun Fly organizer
Woody had stated he would consider the position. We haven’t heard anymore about it. We should ask him again.
We have not heard anything from either high school concerning their STEAM fairs and one is this coming weekend. We also haven’t heard from the Maricopa 4-H either. However, we still may be requested to participate in the middle school summer program as we have done in the past two summers.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to keep the same officers for the coming year.
New business
March Air Show
The March Air Show will be to benefit the Valley Humane Society. We are expecting a donation from Dianne Warren who is Alan’s cousin and loves animals. We will need to take picture of Alan giving check to the Valley Humane Society representatives.
Tony Quist will be representing Horizon Hobbies flying and presenting a seminar on the Spectrum transmitter.
Multiplex-Hi Tech has been asked to send a pilot, but as of yet, Alan not heard if one will be available. However, they did say they would send a prize or prizes.
Superstition Hobbies will fly and show their cars. Two Robson Ranch people have volunteered to race on the car track also.
Maurie will be able to give flying lessons. Ron and Rodney will give FPV flights.
Check out donated plane to be raffled
Ron will check the plane out
Alan has other items to be raffled. He also has a gift certificate from Sig manufacturing and is hoping for a donation from Multiplex.
Extra help needed for jobs
Sell Raffle Tickets and take in money for swap tables--Nancy
Sign in non-member flyers-Win as Safety Officer
Ron will take care of combat which will start at 10:45 AM
Alan will be responsible for directing the parking of Superstition Hobbies, Twisted Entrees, Humane Society, and swap meet vendors. Plus placement for Tony Quist’s Spectrum Transmitter at the car track tables. It was suggested cones be placed where Superstition Hobbies is to park to avoid others parking in Superstition Hobbies’ area.
Check toilet for cleanliness, dust, plus responsible for unlocking and locking for event. Whatever officer arrives first and leaves last will be responsible for this job.
Putting up all flags: American, AMA, & MAAC—Win and Rodney
Wipe down bleachers--Rodney
One to two people responsible for photography—Rodney for drone video and everyone else with phones.
Rotation of charities for next year with event dates
We will have Events November through March with the Valley Humane Society as our charity for Model Aviation Day which is November 9th. Our January charity will be Hospice Charitable Fund of Central Arizona and February may be the Boys and Girls Club if they wish to participate. The March Air Show will have the Casa Grande Food Bank as the charity.
The board approved unanimously, that labor for the varnishing of the pilot tables’ legs and the painting of the sunshade supports be hired out for a maximum of $300. Win will provide Alan with a name of a handyman who probably will be willing to do the work.
Runway Quote(s)
The one quote we have is for $7,600. Alan is also awaiting a quote from the company who is doing the Florence airstrip.
Date for next Board and General Meeting
The next board meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, November 7th, at 11 AM in the Robson Ranch Grill.
With the poor attendance at the last general meeting, it was decided to hold the meeting in February before the 2nd Saturday event. The meeting will be held at the Golden Corral on Tuesday, February 4th at 5 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer
Casa Grande RC Flyers
Minutes of the CG RC Flyers Board Meeting on March 15, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Alan Friedman at 11:06 AM at the Robson Ranch Grill.
Minutes of the last Board meeting and email votes were sent out and approved unanimously.
Presentation of the Treasurer’s Report
President’s Report:
Alan stated he has a meeting scheduled with the Mayor, City Manager, and Community Service Director on June 6th at 2 PM. He will update the group on the past years events and what we plan as improvements and events in the coming year. He will ask the group’s advice for obtaining a sea/shipping container, if electricity could be run across the road for charging stations, and for an update on resurfacing the road/airfield.
Alan stated he had requests for caps again, but would delay taking names until fall when he could get at least an order of 24 again.
Old Business:
Sun Shades are still on the Maricopa 4-H Club’s agenda according to Erik Schroeder. We hope to have a cost for the project sometime in August. It was voted we stay within our budgeted cost of $4,000.
Locking the bathroom after use. The board voted the rule to be: The last person at the field was to not only lock the gate, but to check to make sure the toilet is locked also. Ron will put a note/sign on the gate itself to remind people to check the toilet lock. Changing the combination on the toilet will be tabled until a problem is observed.
Nancy commented on the miscommunication with the AZ SciTech Festival and hoped next year we could participate if notified in a timely manner.
Guest landing fees were revisited per the request of the membership vote at the last General meeting.
The following rule was passed by a vote of 4:1. A member may bring/sponsor a guest(s) who can present a current AMA or MAAC membership card up to 3 times/calendar year. Non sponsored guests will still be required to show a current AMA/MAAC card and pay a $10 landing fee.
New Business:
Moving a table for gas/nitro planes was tabled until next fall when help would be available to move the table.
Nancy then presented a Budget for the newly requested items from the membership with the figures she had heard tossed out at the General meeting for the shipping container and solar panels needed for a charging station. Win had one response so far concerning the shipping container cost which was $3,000. It was thought a cheaper container might be found, but not less than $1,500. Ron and Rodney thought the solar panels and batteries needed for a charging station might be less than $1000. Ron will look into the solar cost. Win will continue to research the cost of a shipping container. Resurfacing the runway was tabled until a shipping container and the recharging stations were purchased especially since we have the petromat runway. The board voted to spend a total of $4000 on the sunshades and if any money was left, it would go towards the shipping container. It was determined until a shipping container was obtained, solar or electric power would not be a priority.
After seeing the probable deficit which would occur if the newly requested items for the field were purchased, Nancy presented a survey she requested from AZ RC clubs. So far only 6 had responded. She added 5 more clubs with the information she could obtained from their clubs’ websites. After considering the dues requested and the facilities provided by the other clubs, the board voted unanimously to raise the renewal dues for next year to $50 when paid by 12/31/18. Initial membership fee or members not renewing by 12/31 will pay $60. Win suggested the survey be sent out to club members when announcing the fee increase.
Dates for meetings and events were determined as follows:
Board meeting will be Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 11 AM, Robson Ranch House Grill
Annual General Meeting will be prior to Model Aviation Day (now scheduled at Golden Corral for Tuesday, December 4th, with dinner at 5 PM and meeting starting 6:00 PM)
Model Aviation Day will be Saturday, December 8, 2018 with the Casa Grande Food Bank being the charity for this event.
Annual Air Show will be Saturday, March 9, 2019 with the Valley Humane Society being the charity for this event.
Win suggested we put out a weatherproof box much like one finds at trailheads with a sign in log to help us assess the usage of the field. Placement was suggested by the first entry gate to the pilot’s stations. Win will research this topic.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.
Respectively submitted,
Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer
Casa Grande RC Flyers
CG RC Flyers Annual Dinner/General Meeting Minutes 12/6/2017
Old Business
Treasurer’s report to date as of 12/4/2017 was presented by Nancy Friedman, Treasurer. The 60% increase in the cost of port-a-potty maintenance and use by gun range participants was given as reasons for the lock on the port-a-potty. It was noted the 50/50 raffle would be drawn around noon on Saturday, December 9th rather than 12/15/2017.
The President, Alan Friedman, referred back to minutes of the last general meeting when it was suggested we get younger people involved in our club and that one way might be by getting more into drones and perhaps drone racing. In the past year the board has addressed these issues by putting up a drone racing course and presentations at various schools and a 4-H club.
Alan then asked Win Koch to give a short presentation about the drone racing course constructed by Rodney Hexter, Ron St. Pierre and himself. Nancy Friedman then listed the many school presentations and the involvement with the Maricopa 4-H club from whom we have acquired 5 youth members and their leader who is only is his forties.
New Business
The President’s report included not only the improvements mentioned in the Treasurer’s report, but also the improvements the city provided this summer which included widening the parking lot, grading the eroded areas along the ravine to the south of the runway, laying out telephone poles to delineate the parking area from the spectator chair/ walking area, and increasing the height of the earthen barrier. Also the Palm Creek Flying Club was thanked for all the tables, roller, and drag given to our club. These tables will now be used for swap meet tables which will be free to members and $10/table for non-members. Alan then addressed future projects to included sunshades, weather station, and possible runway resurfacing.
The Budget was then presented by Nancy Friedman noting the Board recommended sunshades and a weather station as top priorities with a possibility of some money left to staple down the petro runway material from Palm Creek Flyers, if their club still desired to donate it the Casa Grande RC Flyers. By a show of hands then attending, members agreed a weather station was a top priority followed by sunshades with some fix for the runway to make it more amenable to the landing of small wheeled planes as a third priority. Rodney Hexter volunteered to head up the weather station project. Alan would follow up with the 4-H club on the sunshades. Ron St. Pierre would get with Ron Penner about the petro material runway from Palm Creek.
Alan announced he was taking orders for club caps at a price of $15 and would need a minimum of 24 to place the order.
Win Koch was introduced as the Safety Officer and then explained his position and what was expected of club members for us to keep safe and comply with AMA and FAA rules. These guidelines and rules will be posted on the website and may be downloaded which Win suggested every member do.
Alan then asked for volunteers for the following:
Conduct Fun Fly Events
Help with drone race course and general airfield maintenance
A painting day in January. Brian Illston volunteered
A member with a gas leaf blower to be used before each main event. Brian Illston volunteered a generator so electric leaf blowers could be used.
Alan encouraged the use of car track especially on those windy days when one can’t fly.
It was announced the Club’s Trainer, a Super Cub which has been flown twice and never crashed, is now for sale as most instuctors are now using an Apprentice or mini Apprentice for fixed winged aircraft lessons. It comes with an extra battery and transmitter for $150. It will be at the Swap Meet on Saturday, December 9th.
An Introduction of the club’s instructors was done. The instructors and what they teach are listed below.
Jerry Linderman, Maurie Sumption, and Alan Friedman all teach Fixed Winged aircraft
Win Koch teaches both Fixed Winged aircraft and drones
Rodney Hexter teaches drones
Kandace Rawlings teaches primarily Helicopers and drones
Ron St. Pierre teaches all
The guidelines and limitations for teaching were reiterated. To cover the student who is not a member of the AMA and our AMA instructor, the instructor will complete the appropriate student forms per AMA guidelines. A student will be exempt from the $10 landing fee for up to 6 visits, but then must become a member of the AMA and our club.
No more new business was introduced.
Alan then stated everyone would get an AMA Gold Leader Club Pin since our club was awarded this status and is one of 200 in the nation.
Ken Orthner was given the Cactus Award which is only awarded to those having hit the Saguaro at the north end of the runway.
Nancy then presented the AMA’s Carl & Beth Goldberg Vital People Award to Maurie Sumption. This award is presented annually to “vital people in the background of the modeling movement whose efforts enhance the enjoyment of the hobby and whose accomplishment are seldom formally acknowledged”. A $200 check accompanied this award, but Maurie immediately donated to the club. The check was graciously accepted.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM
Respectively submitted by,
Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer
Casa Grande RC Flyers
Minutes for CG RC Flyers Board Meeting of 12/4/2017
The meeting was brought to order by President, Alan Friedman, at 11 AM with all board members in attendance. (Ron St. Pierre, Win Koch, Rodney Hexter, and Nancy Friedman)
Old Business
The minutes of the last board meeting and email conversation and vote were approved.
The treasurer’s report was presented.
Two bills were accepted from Rodney for the drone course
New Business
Two budget proposals were discussed. An alternative budget was voted upon placing the sunshades and weather station as top priorities over resurfacing the runway. If the petro mesh material is donated by the Palm Creek Club we would still have approximately $1000 with which to have it stapled in place which would be either parallel to present runway or in an east-west direction at the north end of our present paved runway.
Rodney volunteered to collect money and hand out raffle tickets for 50/50, as well as, watch the table with any other items, such as Super Cub, for sale by the club, donations, and preordering club caps Nancy would be at the table for renewals. We will ask at the general meeting for 3-4 volunteers to relieve Rodney at the table.
The drawing date for 50/50 was changed to the end of Model Aeronautics Day which is Saturday, December 9th.
Drone racing course
A big thank you was given to Win for all the work he has done with writing up the club’s Drone Racing Rules. Rodney suggested a slight change be made to reflect Course Timing Systems, or compatible timing emitters, refers only to those drone pilots who wish to participate in US Drone Nationals competition. Expect for Rodney’s disclaimer, the rules were approved by the board unanimously.
Ron has donated the 100 multi colored soccer cones purchased last year for the course. It was thought another 50 may be needed, but the original hundred cones will be placed first before purchasing another 50. It was also noted multicolored cones were cheaper to purchase than single colored cones on Amazon.
As for maintenance of the field, volunteers will be requested at the general meeting. Win suggested we have a notice board placed on the fence next to the north side of the port-a-potty. He suggested notices and a laminated map of the drone course be posted there for pilots to see. Win and Rodney will be responsible for this project. A request will be made at the general meeting for someone with a gas blower to blow off the airstrip before major events. If no one has a blower, the board will consider purchasing one. A large sign was suggested for the table by the entry gate which would state: This is an AMA flying field for members only. Learn to fly free. See our website at Alan was in charge of this project.
It was clarified that Win is the Safety Officer only and he will give a short explanation at the General Meeting of what he will do and the safety rules he expects club members to follow. Win has donated vests for the Safety Officer, Events Manager, and Parking director. He will also ask for volunteers for his Safety Crew. Rodney and Nancy have volunteered when they are not busy with other jobs at the field.
The club needs an Events Manager. Although Alan has taken the test and sent in the required $25 to be an Events Manager for the club to say the club has one presently, he would like someone else to take this position. Jerry Linderman has been a contest director, but unsure if he still would take on this job. Jerry will be asked. If he does not, we will explain the job and the discounted 50% AMA membership fee to see if anyone volunteers.
It was suggested and agreed that at our general meeting, the names of our instructors and what they prefer to teach be announced. Win Koch, Jerry Linderman, Ron St. Pierre, Maurie Sumption and Alan Friedman all teach fixed winged aircraft. Drones will be taught by Kandace Rawlings, Rodney Hexter, and Win Koch. Helicopter training can be done with Ron St. Pierre or Kandace Rawlings. The number of times a student can fly with a teacher before becoming an AMA and club member will also be reiterated. (number is six and instructor needs to register them with the AMA)
Encourage use of car track by members on windy days at general meeting. The car track can only be used by members of the AMA for insurance purposes. Please remember, children under the age of 19 can become free AMA members and do work for the club to acquire a free membership or pay the $25 youth membership fee. The youth, however, must be accompanied by an adult.
Painting day for PC tables. We will ask at the general meeting for a date in January and volunteers.
Club Caps. It was decided to obtain preorders for caps since the minimum is 24 at $15/cap. If a minimum order of 24 cannot be reached, an alternative source for the caps will be researched.
It was decided the club’s Super Cub trainer, extra battery, and transmitter should attempted to be sold for two months at the swap meets and on line. The asking price will be $150. If it doesn’t sell, a raffle will be held for two months before a drawing will be held.
A program presentation at the upcoming dinner meeting was voted down since we had so much on the agenda, but thought it would be good idea for another short dinner/meeting in March.
Add to email announcement how to park. Cars next to fence, trucks/SUVs on roadside of the parking lot.
Renewal and new member dues were recommended to be the same for 2019 by Ron and agreed to by the board.
A date for the next board meeting was set for 11 AM, on March 15, 2018, at the Robson Ranch Grill.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 PM
CG RC Flyers Board Meeting of 3/16/2017
Attendance: Rodney Hexter, Ron St. Pierre, Win Koch, Alan Friedman, and Nancy Friedman.
The meeting was start at 11:29 AM at the Robson Ranch Grill
Old Business:
Take Off and Go Grant
Alan applied for this $1,000 grant to purchase trainer airplanes (mini Apprentices), trainer transmitters, batteries, and a drone. The announcement of the grant is not due until the end of March. Alan has been sending all the press releases to the AMA concerning our recent presentations at CVHS Stem class, Maricopa 4-H club, Villago Middle School Science Night, and the AZ SciTech Festival
Flying Site Assistance Grant
Unable to apply since we requested/received a grant within 3 years (May of 2014)
Runway Surface Project
SW Slurry Seal, Inc. estimate was $9,730
SW Slurry Seal, Inc. estimate for PMM seal coat of 1400 sq. yds. was $6,720 with $1,450 for stripping extra.
No answer from the city as to when the top sealing coat would be able to be done.
Other Choices:
Impact Asphalt estimate measured runway today at 270 ft x 43 ft. or 11,610 sq. ft. plus 15 ft. x 15 ft heli pad. The estimate was ~ $1890 for two coats of “Liquid Road” plus $150 for stripping coming to $2,040. It may be less if contractor deems only one coat is needed which would make the quote ~$300+ less.
Alan made a motion to accept this quote if it was within our budget range. Win seconded the motion and it was passed by a unanimous vote.
A request was made by Rodney for a financial report to be sent to Win as a new member of the board and also a budget be made for the coming year to be more transparent as a corporation board. A long range budget was also deemed necessary as we look to the future.
Nancy stated she would see that a copy of the financial report would be sent to Win and a budget be made and sent to all board members. She would also write up a treasurer’s report and look into what was needed for signatures to the checking account since one of the original officers has died and the other quit.
Rodney made a motion to have three signatures on the club’s checking account which would include: Alan Friedman, President; Ron St. Pierre, Vice-President, and Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer. It was seconded by Ron and accepted by a unanimous vote.
Work at field needed
Painting of legs on flight tables with weatherproofing
Need a price on weatherproofing which should be added to the budget
Field clean up
Stones on runway
Student membership, time line, flight training schedule
Nancy stated she is still waiting on the Maricopa 4-H club to give a definite timeline which will probably be after the County Fair. Last date given was after 3/20/17.
Other means of getting work done
A FOD (Foreign Object Damage) walk or Emu Parade was suggested at least monthly by both Win and Rodney. We all agreed this would be a great way to keep the Field and Runway cleaned up.
Nancy suggested if the student work for membership program did not materialize, we could offer the same for adult membership. It was seconded by Ron and approved unanimously by the board.
Other Old Business
There was no more old business
New Business:
Increasing size of parking lot
A request was made of the city to extend the parking lot North to the next street culvert when appropriate equipment would be in the area.
No response as of yet
Schedule for next season 2017-2018
It was decided to keep the 2nd Saturday of each month from December to March as a Swap Meet and hopefully a fun fly if a Fun Fly Director can be found.
General meeting(s)
A December General Meeting should be scheduled the first or second week of December at the Golden Coral with a possible program and/or You Tube Video. A decision at this meeting can be made as how often future meeting should be held and with type of topics to be addressed.
Board meetings
The next Board meeting will be on Wednesday, 12/29/2017 at 11:30 AM at the Robson Ranch Grill over lunch.
Continue second Saturday as Swap Meets/Fun Flys
Volunteer to do Fun Fly Events
Possible person to ask is on a Ski vacation presently, but Ron will ask him when he returns.
Volunteer for Safety Officer
It was suggested, as officers, we should all try to enforce the rules when at the field
Win offered to obtain a Safety Officer’s vest and make a binder with information on what to do in case of an accident.
Win also offered to give a presentation at the next general meeting about the binder and a safety talk on Ground School Mission.
Instructor assignments
It was suggested an email be sent to all our registered instructors to see if a schedule could be worked out between them to teach on a regular basis. Ron also offered his skills as a helicopter instructor. An email will also go out to Kandace Rawling to request she be a helicopter instructor. Drone instructors will also be recruited.
Continue third Saturday as Car racing
Continue fourth Saturday as Helicopter/Drone Day
Expected impact, if any, of Palm Creek members
Need additions to field
A couple of tables may be available sometime between the 15th and 30th of April from Palm Creek. A truck and a couple of men would be needed to move the tables. Win offered his truck, but he will be leaving mid-April. Rodney was going to get a quote from U-haul if a truck was needed later.
Frequency of toilet cleaning
A wait and see approach was decided upon
Pilot stations
Check with Jerry Linderman about design for pilot stations similar to those at Palm Creek
2018 renewal dues
Win made a motion for a 3 year membership to coincide with a 3 year AMA membership at a small discount rate to be to be a $5/yr discount=$15. It was seconded by Nancy with it being approved by 4 yes votes with one abstention. Alan made a motion to increase the renewal dues to $35/year, but the board thought $40 was a better choice with the money needed to resurface the runway and $40/year was voted as the renewal price of a membership, while keeping the initial membership dues at $50. The increase in fees would not affect the offer made to the members of the current Palm Creek club for 2018.
Weather station at airfield
An estimate of $1000 plus a yearly service fee was submitted. It was thought this item would be placed at the bottom of a wish list of items needed for the field with the following list in descending order of importance:
Sealing the runway and heli pad
Sun shades
Extra tables/pilot stations
Drone racing course
Weather station
Other New Business
It was suggested by Ron we do a 50/50 email raffle at $10 a raffle ticket to make money to pay for our runway and heli pad sealing.
Rodney and Ron stated they would write something up to put on the website and to send out to members.
Money would be collect via cash, check, PayPal, and possibly direct deposit.
Respectively Submitted by,
Nancy Friedman, Secretary/Treasurer
Casa Grande RC Flyers
Minutes of the January 27, 2016 Board Meeting
The meeting started at 1:30 PM at Dunkin Donuts in Casa Grande.
In attendance were: Alan Friedman, Ron St. Pierre, Rodney Hexter, Arvin Van Ry*, and Nancy Friedman
*arrived at 2:05
A motion was made by Alan Friedman, President, to move Ron St. Pierre from the Secretary position to the Vice-President position, and to appoint Nancy Friedman to the Secretary/Treasurer position. The board in attendance approved these officers’ positions unanimously.
Second family membership for $25 initially, then $25/year was approved.
Youth membership for those 19 and under (age matching that of the AMA) was approved at $25 initially, then $25/year. A youth member must have an adult member with them when flying at the field. A youth member may obtain a free membership by working 2 hours at the field.
Approval for purchasing a battery pack charging station was given to Alan who will be responsible for said battery pack.
Since the city of Casa Grande has had a significant turnover in staff this past year, the answer to when the runway will be sealed is up in the air. Because of this state of limbo, Alan asked everyone to look into whom and how much it might cost to slurry seal our runway of 60 ft by 300 ft. Alan than would apply for the “Flying Site Assistant Grant” due March 1, 2017, to cover 10% of the cost for the slurry seal.
Grant application and awards were listed by Alan.
Grant Name
Deadline Dates
Take off and Grow*
February 1
Flying Site Assistant Grants
March 1
Leader Club Program
March 31
AMA Hall of Fame
March 31
AMA Scholarship Program
April 30
Carl Goldberg Award
September 15
*Alan has already applied for this grant
Alan noted an event manager position was a new position the AMA had established and was one now open for our club. Jerry Linderman is the club’s contest director and has been ill.
An Update on presentations was given by Nancy. Two presentations are scheduled to be given. One will be to the Maricopa 4H club and the other to the Casa Verde STEM class taught by John Morris.
Upon Arvin’s arrival, a discussion ensued about setting up an email account for the club. Arvin was requested to take on this job with input from Rodney.
It was requested Alan send a P and L sheet to all Board members via email. He stated he would do so upon returning home.
Arvin requested negative requirements be left out of the Casa Grande Dispatch. It was decided the only requirements which would be published would be “only AMA members could fly and the plane size was limited to 10 lbs.”
Rodney pointed out a student waiver was available with the AMA for registered instructors to use with their student pilots which would cover them for up to 60 consecutive days. Signing up at the field on one’s cell phone was discussed and suggested this be brought up in any class presentations given.
Arvin asked if a guest of a member could fly at the club’s field. The club’s rule was cited as the guest must be a member of the AMA and there would be a $5 fee each day of flying with the exception of AMA special events scheduled on the second Saturday of the month.
The next Board meeting was scheduled for Thursday, March 16th, at the Robson Ranch Grill for lunch at 11:30 AM.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM.
Respectively submitted,
Nancy Friedman, Secretary
Casa Grande RC Flyers
The minutes of the dinner meeting for the Casa Grande RC flyers club on December 15th 2016
The meeting started at 6 PM. Board members in attendance were Arvin Van Ry and Alan Friedman.
The first order of business was to ask how improve communication between members to increase attendance at the field. Many members did not want numerous emails, but wanted some means to communicate when everyone would be flying. Suggestions were: to make a closed Facebook page; a Yahoo group, or place a message board on the club's website. Jim Berk suggested the president talk to officers of the Twin Cities RC club to find out more about Yahoo groups. Other members objected to using Yahoo because of their recent security breach.
The discussion was then turned to what time of day would be the best to fly, in relationship to temperature, and which days. It was determined around 10 AM when it was warmer and the wind was less. The current Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday winter days seemed best with Saturday early after sunrise, in the summer.
The next topic was fun fly events. With little participation in the fun fly contests, the board suggested a raffle ticket be given to anybody who would attempt to fly in these events. That way anyone who attempted to fly would a chance to win a prize, even if they did not win the fun fly. It was also suggested by Jim Burke, the fun fly be divided into expertise divisions . However that suggestion was rejected due to the lack of participation.
Discussion was then turned to second Saturdays events which are open to the public. It was noted that very few people flew when the public was invited. Again a raffle ticket was suggested as an incentive to get pilots to fly. For every time a pilot would fly, they will receive a raffle ticket for a prize drawing. Alan noted that manufactures and suppliers have donated a large number of prizes for or events this year.
Everyone thought it was great that Ron St Pierre was bringing his first person view goggles, plus bringing his buddy box to help teach people to fly, to the air show on March 11, 2017. Ron has provided free first person view flights at other of our Saturday events in the past and they proved very popular.
The next issue was how to get more new members since attrition and the Canadian dollar was causing the membership decrease. No one thought the cost of dues was the problem. It was requested of members living in communities to talk up the Casa Grande RC flyers whenever possible in their communities. Other suggestions were getting younger people involved since drone racing is popular among the younger generations. Apparently there are a few TV programs on drones. It was requested, once again of the members, to volunteer to get the youth involved. Both Rodney Hexter and Rick Lawrence volunteered for this committee.
Alan announced and requested volunteers for two vacant board slots. Those who would desire being on the board should contact Alan. Richard Rose has been out of town working in Hawaii and now in Chicago and asked to be replaced. Another vacancy has existed for a few months.
Alan requested all members to fly safe by announcing take off, landings and field crossings in a loud voice per AMA and field rules. Alan also asked members to not to fly over the tables or spectator areas. Those who do not follow these rules will be grounded for the day.
Alan asked for questions and they were as follows: Where can one buy parts close by in the area. Most members said they purchased items online. Also, oftentimes what someone might need could be available from Tom Trosper, who usually attends the second Saturday swap meets each month. The next question was inquiring if anyone was slope soaring or night flying in the area with the answer being no. Alan reminded everybody there were now two runways, the paved one and the chemically treated earthen one for those who wish to do belly landings, however due to the gravel between the two runways there would not be any crossover. Members were notified that the gate code will change on January 1st with an email going out to notify members of the new code. The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 PM.
Casa Grande RC Flyers Board Meeting Was held Thursday December 1st at 11:00 AM at Mi Amigo Ricardo's for our lunch meeting.
In attendance were Alan Friedman, Arvin Van Ry, and And Ron St. Pierre.
The first topic that was discussed was “Why do we not have more people flying out at the field and how can we improve that.
Alan said that when he sent out an email before he went out to fly on the designated fly days, he always had someone else out there. It was stated that flying at the field was also a social activity and it was more fun if others were there to talk to.
Alan said he could set up the Face Book site so people could announce their intentions to go out to the field and fly.
We also will bring up this subject at the general meeting on December 15, 2106.
It was decided in order to try and get more people flying at the at the fly in and swap meets the club would give out a raffle ticket each time someone flew and have a drawing at the end of the day for a prize.
Alan said he Knew Lee Ulinger and talked to him about joining the club and flying at our shows. Lee will promote our club and put on a flying show at one of our events.
The cost of joining the club was discussed. There was concern that the cost may be keeping some people from joining. We decided to bring this up at the general meeting after a treasure report.
It was decided that we would keep the same fee structure for the fun fly’s. That is the seller tables and flying on that day would be free as long as the flyer was AMA or Canadian equivalent. And we would continue to ask for a donation to a selected charity as admission to the event.
Ron said he would be willing to give free lesson at our March event rather than Virtual rides. After some thought he decided he could do both by putting a camera on the trainer airplane.
Ron St Pierre, Secretary
Board Meeting: March 29, 2016 the Robson Ranch Grill at 11:00 AM.
Members in attendance were.
Alan Friedman
Dennis Linsday
Arvin VanRy
Ron St. Pierre
Several topics were discussed.
The dates for next season events was disused
Casa Grande RC Flyers Coming Events for 2016 - 2017
April 1, 2016, Club Returns To Summer Flying Schedule
November 1, 2016: Club returns to winter flying days and hours.
November 12, 2016: First swap meet of the winter season at 9 AM.
November 12 2016: Club Celebrates National Model Aviation Day.
December 10, 2016: Swap Meet at Club Field, 9:00 AM - Noon.
January 6 - 8, 2017: AMA Expo, Ontario, CA.
January 14, 2017: Swap Meet at Club Field, 9:00 AM - Noon.
February 11, 2017: Swap Meet at Club Field, 9:00 AM - Noon.
March 11, 2017: Special Event - Air Show, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
April 1, 2017: Club Starts Summer Flying Schedule
1: A concern was voiced of our events conflicting with other nearby flying clubs events. After discussion about which clubs would be a concern and what we could do about that it was felt that by publicizing the schedule early it would help other Flying clubs Schedule their events. The schedule release would also help the food and Radio control vendors plan their next season.
2: The setting up of a general meeting was discussed. It was decided to continue using the meeting room at Golden Coral. The next General membership meeting will be held at Golden Coral on December 13th 2016.
3: The club fun flies were discussed. The total precipitation for last season was 17 Participants. It was noted that spectators like to watch the fun flies. Some ideas were proposed to increase participation. One was to award point for participation and then at the end of the season give out prizes to those who participated. Again we will look at contests that do not endanger the airplane. One event that the Palm Creek flying club had was where the contestant had to taxi down the runway and hit a bottle of wine. If they were able to hit the bottle they got the wine. We will discuss the continuation of the fun fly at the General meeting in December.
4: We discussed if and how we might get more of the McCartney road fliers to join the club. The advantages at McCartney road field are, they do not have a 10 Pound limit, the area for land and take off is larger and there are not obstructions close to the field. The disadvantage are that the runway is rough, there are not tables or Porta Potty and the dirt road to get to the field is very rough. No solid ideas for recruiting McCartney member were proposed. That will be carried over to the next meeting.
5: The fact that this summer the city is going to pave the road out to the field was discussed. The chance of getting the runway paved was mentioned. A motion was proposed, seconded and passed to allow the president of the club to use all money except for a $1000.00 hold back from the treasury to help cover the cost of paving the runway. It was felt by the board that the paving of the Road and the runway will help greatly in obtaining and keeping members.
6: A motion was put on the table to donate $250 each to two Casa Grande charities if funds were not need for the paving of the runway. The motion was seconded and passed.
The Meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM
October 25, 2015 Board Meeting At Mi Amigo Richardo's
A board meeting of the Casa Grande RC flyers was held on Sunday, October 25 at 11 AM at the Mi Amigo Ricardo’s on Florence Boulevard in Casa Grande.
In attendance was:
Richard Rose, Ron St. Pierre, Alan Friedman, Arvin Van Ray, and Dennis Linsday.
Alan asked for volunteers to fill the vacant officer spots. The following is a list of volunteers
Richard Rose - Vice president
Ron St. Pierre - Secretary
Alan Friedman - President
Arvin Van Ray - Treasurer
Dennis Lindsay - Safety officer
There was a discussion how to get more people involved with the fun flies. Several ideas were discussed.
It was suggested that we had them later on in the morning so that the people would not still be at the selling tables.
It was suggested that maybe we could help coach the new flyers so they would feel more comfortable in the fun flies.
It was also suggested to make the fun flies extremely easy. Such as taking off and landing the closest to a spot. Or taking off and landing closest to a given time. Dennis volunteered to handle the next fun fly with the help of our Arvin.
The board talked about having a general membership meeting sometime in the near future. It was decided to put the meeting off until January or February. It was decided to continue holding the meetings at Golden Corral. Alan asked the board to think about what we could do at the upcoming general membership meeting and to report back any ideas. At that point the discussion was tabled.
Ron St. Pierre volunteered to put a sign up in the Palm Creek flying site to advertise the next event.
Ron St. Pierre volunteered to talk to Ron Penner when he returns about a flying demonstration in one of our events.
Alan Friedman asked if anyone knew who fixed the sticky gate. No one knew but we concluded that we were happy was fixed.
The portable toilet was brought up it because it was dirty on the inside with sand and leaves and stuff. Alan Friedman volunteered to call Casa Grande Rent A Can to have cleaned it up.
Alan reported that Scott’s pest-control of Casa Grande was very responsive to our weed problem on the runway. They came out and took care of a couple weeds that had popped up and did not charge.
Meeting adjourned 12:25
Casa Grande RC Flyers
A board meeting held March 28, 2015 at the Robson Ranch Pub restaurant at 11:00 am.
Members in attendance were.
Alan Friedman
Robert Little
Arvin VanRy
Ron St. Pierre
Topics of dissuasion were.
1. The need to enlist 2 addition board members. One suggestion was Doug Winebarger Doug will be contacted by Arvin VanRy to see if Doug can be enlisted. The need for new board members will be part of the November general meeting.
2. The sun shade for the field. The cost of the shade at this time is more than the club can budget.
It was suggested to see if the club member considered this as a goal the club should pursue. If so we would have to have a focused revenue drive to generate the needed funds.
3. The club should look at having an event at the field such as other clubs are doing. The example being the fly in at the Mesa electric festival. If not some think like that, we could obtain volunteers to give demo flights out at the field at the scheduled swap meets. Ron Penner (sp) was suggested as a candidate for doing a demo flights.
4.The demise of the fun fly’s was discussed and the conclusion was that we had to many pilots that were new and were concerned about risking their airplane to such an event, or they were concerned about being in the spot light during the event. To help rectify this we could do some training on building and repair of aircraft. Have events where their aircraft are not in abnormal jeopardy.
5. We need to have a general meeting next winter some time in November. The reason we have not had one in a while is that we did not have an agenda that would draw in the members to attend. Ron St. Pierre volunteered to work with Alan Friedman in coming up with an agenda for a November meeting.
6 One of the reasons we go out to fly is for the comradery at the flying field. It was noted that when Alan sent out an email before Saturday more people show up at the field because they know someone else may be there. Alan said he could do that when he is around but would need to hand off that task when he is not in the area.
7. Our food vendor will not be back because he did not make any money doing the swap meets.
One suggestion was to see if we could invite one of the hotdog carts that are at some of the stores like Home Depot.
Action items
Ron & Alan to setup a November meeting.
Arvin VanRy to Contact someone about enlisting a board member.
Alan Friedman to send out Field email invites on the days he is going out to the field or handing off that responsibility to one of the other board members if he is out of the area.
Ron St. Pierre to contact Ron Penner to talk him in to a demo at our one of our Swap meets.
Alan Friedman to look into Hotdog cart at the next Swap Meet.
July 2014 Board Member Meeting At Robson Ranch Grill.
Now that our runway project is now complete, three of the four board members met in July, 2014 to discuss future plans for the club. We will be looking into the construction of sun shades over the table area. These will be the "sail" type of sun shades. if we can find a contractor and obtain the funding, we hope to complete that project for next summers use. We are also combining a monthly Fun Fly event along with our monthly Swap Meet starting in November 2014, on the second Saturday of each month, November - April. Our swap meets are now posted on the AMA web site and will be listed in the AMA magazine to insure maximum attendance. We also hope to attract area hobby shops to attend and sell their products to attendees at discounted prices during these events. Depending upon the turnout, we might also invite a food vendor to these monthly events.
The club long term goal is to work with the city and county government towards the goal of paving the access road to the club field. This would not only benefit the club but also the skeet and trap shooting range, the city police shooting range and the public shooting range. There is no timetable as yet towards the completion of this goal but we are hoping to get the issue on the agenda of the governmental agencies yet this year.
Finally please note that the completed projects and proposed projects require funding. We ask that you tell others about our club and ask them to join us. If they are new to the hobby, we offer 8 certified AMA flight instructors who provide free lessons. Their starter planes, such as the Supper Cub, can be purchased near by. Our dues will remain low at $40.00 the first year and $25.00 renewal. They can even join online and pay by credit card (for a $5.00 extra fee).
If you have any questions for the club's board of directors, send them to the following e-mail address and they will be forwarded to all the board members.