See all the Casa Grande RC Flyers has to offer their members. |
What do you get for your small membership dues in the Casa Grande RC Flyers?
A 360 foot by 60 foot paved runway.
A parallel 300 foot by 30 foot Petromat runway.
Flying at an FAA approved FRIA field exempt from remote ID.
A third crosswind runway.
A field weather station for onsite current weather information.
110 volt and 12 volt electric power during special events.
21 pilot, helicopter and swap meet tables.
A paved helicopter and drone pad.
Toilet facilities.
Three wind socks.
Fully paved access roads.
Club activities such as Combat, Fun Fly and Swap Meets.
Screened in pilot stations.
Fenced off spectator area.
Spectator Bleachers.
Pilot Benches.
Parking for 90 cars and trucks.
Food services at major club events.
Sun Shades over pilot tables.
Being a member of an AMA Gold Level Leader club (only 151 out of over 2,500 clubs in the nation), an Award Of Excellence winning club (Only 58 awarded since 1990), and an AMA club of the month.
Fellowship of a large number of fellow flyers, both male and female.
Free use of swap meet tables and much more.
That is a lot for the club's small annual dues.
Then continue to join our club. Membership in the AMA is required first.
To join our club by US Mail please send your $75.00* dues for the calendar year payable to "Casa Grande RC Flyers, Inc". Include the following with your payment:
Your name as appears on your AMA card card
Your AMA card number
Your E-Mail address
Your mailing address
Your telephone number
Include a stamped self addressed envelope (to return your membership card).
Your new club membership card will be sent back in your self addressed, stamped envelope. You will be e-mailed the access code to the field gate and sent information about club events. You can download the membership application below. You may also use the Pay Pal link to make your payment, but a $5.00 extra charge is added to cover the Pay Pal processing costs and the mailing of your membership documents.
Please mail to:
Casa Grande RC Flyers C/O Nancy Friedman, Treasurer 5309 N Pioneer Dr Eloy, AZ 85131
All memberships are renewed at only $60.00 per year if renewal is received before December 30th of the current membership year. If not, you can still renew at the new member price.
* New members joining in September, October, November, or December of the current year can get the last months of that current year FREE with their annual membership for the following year, as long at their AMA membership is paid until the end of the following year.
Quick Way To Join Our Club Using Pay Pal
The Casa Grande RC Flyer first year dues are $75.00. Unless there is a membership special, all dues are for the calendar year. If you wish to join, you can do so by U.S. mail or Pay Pay, which is especially convenient for our Canadian flyers or anyone wanting to use a credit card or bank account.
To use a credit card or checking account debit, you will need to establish a Pay Pal account, at Pay Pal.com, (if you don't already have one). Sign into the account and look for the heading PAY & GET PAID. Then look for MAKE PAYMENTS. Next find SEND MONEY. The e-mail address used to make a payment to the club is CasaGrandeFlyer@aol.com. The usual membership dues are $75.00 but because you can't provide the required stamped self addressed envelope when using Pay Pal, the Pay Pal membership charge is $80.00. Enter that amount ($80.00) and be sure you are paying in USD (US Dollars). Finally, under ADD NOTE, be sure to type in your name, the mailing address you want the membership badge sent to (in the USA or Canada), your AMA number, e-mail address and telephone number.
When we receive the funds we will process your membership and mail your card and club information to the address you provided using First Class mail. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR AMA MEMBERSHIP MUST BE PAID UNTIL THE END OF THE CALENDER YEAR YOU ARE JOINING, OR LATER. You will not need to send a copy of your AMA membership card as we can now verify your membership online.
Of course anyone can join by U.S.mail for only $75.00 by sending their check payable to the "Casa Grande RC Flyers" with the correct information asked for above, along with a stamped self addressed envelope to:
Nancy Friedman, Treasurer
Casa Grande RC Flyers
5309 N Pioneer Dr
Eloy, AZ 85131
We encourage everyone to join as soon as they have their AMA membership paid until the end of the current year or later. Please remember that no memberships will be accepted at the field.
I sincerely hope that this information helps everyone who wants to join. After joining, our renewal dues are less at only $60.00 for the next calander year. There are no current plans to increase the renewal dues.
Alan Friedman, President
Casa Grande RC Flyers, Inc
AMA District 10 Associate Vice President
Add Extra Family Member At A Lower Cost
"Extra Family Member" membership is available from both the AMA and the club. Your spouse or adult child ,living at your address, can join the AMA as an extra family member for $38.00 per year. Extra family members can join the Casa Grande RC Flyers for only $37.50 for the first year instead of the usual $75.00. Family member renewals are 1/2 the cost of the regular club member renewals. The extra family member has the same full benefits, and can use the club flying field time they desire. Bring your spouse or adult child to the field with you, and have them learn to fly while you are there. Family members must also belong to the AMA and have the same physical address and the primary member.
Please remember that whichever way you join, you must provide your full name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, and AMA member number. We can not process your membership without that information. You can mail e-mail your completed application or add the information to your PayPal payment of you choose to use their service. The club's email address is CasaGrandeFlyer@aol.com.
Click on the box to the right to print our membership application. Then mail it to us with a stamped, self addressed, return envelope to save the $5.00 shipping and handling charges. Otherwise use the membership payment link below to pay by credit card. Be sure to include your e-mail and mailing address, telephone number and AMA number.
Membership Application |
Please remember that you must submit your AMA number, telephone number and e-mail address along with your mailing address when paying by Pay Pal or by credit card. Your membership can not be processed without that information. You can e-mail that information to CasaGrandeFlyer@aol.com
Notice To Canadian Visitors To Our Area
Effective January 1, 2022, AMA will require MAAC members to join AMA for insurnce coverage to fly at our field and events. Affiliate membership for non-US permanent residents is $36 (USD) per year and includes insurance and competitive privileges. Click here to sign up as an AMA Affiliate member. Non-US citizens are required to follow the same model aircraft regulations that US citizens are required to follow, including registering at FAA’s Drone Zone and taking The Recreational UAS Safety Test at www.modelaircraft.org/trust.
To join the AMA call them at:
Call the AMA at (765) 287-1256 / 1-800-I-FLY-AMA
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Sorry but MAAC members will not be allowed to fly at our field after January 1, 2022 as they will not be insured, and that will violate our lease. If you are a MAAC member please call or e-mail us with your AMA membership number otherwise we will not be sending you the curent gate code.
Alan Friedman,
President Casa Grande RC Flyers
Academy Of Model Aeronautics Associate Vice Preside
The Casa Grande RC Flyers welcomes young people (age 19 and under) as members at a special price, as a second family member. If they can't afford the cost, they can donate time working at the field instead of paying dues. The AMA also offers them discounted AMA memberships. Contact a club officer for details. Most young people prefer to now do the required manual labor at the field
The Casa Grande RC Flyers Field |
Come Fly With Us! |
The Casa Grande RC Flyers received the AMA's Award Of Excellence. The award was started by the AMA in 1990. Since then, only 58 clubs have received this honor, including the Casa Grande RC Flyers. The AMA staff (Erin Dobbs) recommended to the District Vice President that our club receive this award. The District Vice President agreed, and at the quarterly Executive Council meeting in Muncie, Indiana, the nomination was presented and voted on by ALL the district Vice Presidents and AMA Executive Officers. They unanimously approved our inclusion into this select group because of our club's community engagement and our continued dedication to model aviation and the Academy of Model Aeronautics. To put this into perspective, there are over 2,500 AMA clubs in the nation and only 58 have ever received this award. Thank you AMA for this top honor.
The Casa Grande RC Flyers was also named as a Gold Level Leader Club for several years in a row because of their wonderful facilities and activities. They were also named as the AMA's September 2020 "Club Of The Month". The membership is very proud of all the honors awarded their club. As of September 2020, the Casa Grande RC Flyers was the only club to ever win all three of these top honors
The Award Of Excellence |
Gold Level Leader Club award. |
If you have any questions for the club's board of directors, send them to the following e-mail address and they will be forwarded the board members. CasaGrandeFlyer@aol.com